C (116/301)

From:Linus McCabe
Date:31 Aug 99 at 20:08:13
Subject:Re: double buffered screens and cgfx

From: Linus McCabe <sparkle@hehe.com>

Hello Stefan

> I also tried it via Intuition Calls, but I never managed to get it
> to work. But have a look at the Warp3D V2 Developer archive. There's
> the source of a simple engine that uses V39 Multibuffering, my only
> source about this topic. And there it works!

Hmm.. I just downloaded the archive from aminet, and in the source it
says he did not get doublebuffering to work..



> Bye, Stefan

Linus McCabe * Sparkle@hehe.com
* Sparkle, #Amiga, DalNet
* http://sparkle.amiga.tm

Persons with names like Sierra or Sequoia will not be permitted to
sing the blues no matter how many men they shoot in Memphis.